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Posted on 02/11/2016

Prevent garden pests

Prevent garden pests

When you are relaxing in your chair outside with a glass of wine at the end of a long day, the LAST thing you want is to see is a furry blur as a garden rat scampers past your feet. Rats can be very hard to get rid of once they have made themselves at home so outdoor prevention strategies are the best way to deal with these pesky neighbours.


  • Clear out your sheds and reduce general clutter.
  • Keep firewood piles at least 30cm off the ground.
  • Keep your grass mown and remove debris and branches.
  • Repair any cracks and holes you have in your home, sheds or outdoor areas.
  • Put wire mesh over uncovered drains.


  • Make sure to quickly remove or dispose of fallen fruit from your trees.
  • Any rubbish must be kept in sealed and secured containers around your home.
  • Keep your compost bin elevated off the ground and completely sealed.
  • Don't provide your pets with too much food. Any left overs in their bowl will be a delightful snack for a rat or two. The same goes for chook food - make sure it is stored in a sealed vermin proof container (as rats can chew through plastic).

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