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Posted on 27/08/2019

Three-stage marketing strategy for trade business

Three-stage marketing strategy for trade business

Many trade business owners take a scattergun approach to marketing. This hit-and-miss method happens at bullet speed. Mostly, these half-baked marketing activities fail to hit the mark with customers.

Instead of making this marketing faux pas – wasting time, money and resources in the process – focus your marketing efforts on a 3-stage strategy that will attract new customers, deliver value and encourage repeat business.

Experienced trade business owner and educator, Angela Smith, outlines each stage and provides examples of budget-friendly marketing activities you can implement in your trade business.

The aim is to deploy both online and offline marketing activities across the three stages. This way, you won’t miss any potential opportunities.


Pre-love marketing (attracting new customers)

Pre-love marketing involves attracting new customers to your business. Typically, this is the stage where we invest most of our time and energy. We know that without customers, we have no business.

Three examples:

1.Website. First impressions count. Your business website is your shop front. Invest in professional graphic design, photography, website development and search-engine copy.
2.Vehicle branding. Signage on your vehicle or fleet of vehicles is an excellent source of marketing. It presents your brand in a professional light and will increase brand awareness exponentially.
3.Awards. Awards are like the forgotten jewels for many trade business owners. Winning an award represents a ‘badge’ of credibility.

Present-love marketing (delivering an exceptional customer experience)

Present-love marketing involves increasing average dollar sales. This is the amount you charge in one transaction. Basically, it’s about upselling your services when you’ve already been engaged on a job.

Two examples:

1.Information booklet. It answers simple questions a customer may have about your business and services. Your tradesmen will give the customer the information booklet on arrival at the job site.
2.Safety inspection report. A safety inspection provides better assistance to customers. You’ll conduct a free assessment while you’re on-site, which could lead to a higher average dollar sale.

Post-love marketing (retaining customers after the initial service)

Post-love marketing focuses on encouraging repeat business well after you’ve finished providing your service to your customers. Loyal customers are worth up to 10 times their first purchase amount.  

Two examples:

1.Newsletter. Newsletters are an effective way to communicate and stay connected with customers. Packed with valuable information, newsletters keep your business top of mind.
2.Special occasional gifts. Few businesses provide this final touch on their services. A small gesture can leave a positive memory of your business. These customers will tell other people about the experience!

When you’re a trade business owner, it’s easy to throw money and resources into ad hoc marketing campaigns. For the best bang for your buck, pour your energy into post-love marketing to retain your loyal customers.

For more information on all three stages marketing stages, download this free resource.

By Angela Smith,  Lifestyle Tradie co-founder

Lifestyle Tradie is an award-winning education program and community for hardworking trade business owners.