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Posted on 02/11/2016

Creating a Picture Wall

Creating a Picture Wall

Are you looking to add a unique design feature to your house? A great way to add a bit of creativity and funkiness to your home is by decorating a wall with an original picture display. Picture walls are a great option to demonstrate your artistic flair and to display those precious family memories.

Picture walls are also be a cost effective option for covering up a large empty white space. For example the empty wall alongside a staircase can be a great place for a staggered picture display. Frames don’t have to be expensive and you can mix and match more fancy ones with simple cheap ones and it simply adds to the design.

Don’t be concerned about not having enough photos either. Picture walls are a great opportunity for you to exhibit all kinds of things that appeal to you in one artistic display. Try mixing up photos with frames containing inspirational quotes, your children’s drawings, mirrors, art pieces, or even cards.

Some general tips for creating your picture wall:

  • Planning, planning, planning. Think about the overall design you would like to create before you go ahead and start hanging pictures. When you have your collection ready, lay them out together on the floor in advance. This will let you see if your vision needs a bit more tweaking.
  • Vary the frame sizes. Mixing and matching frames creates a more interesting visual display.
  • The centre of your display should be at eye level. Consider your main focal point.
  • Consider using mounting strips & hooks. This way you are not putting a large number of holes in your wall AND if something doesn’t quite work in your display it is an easy fix that will save you a great deal of frustration. Remember to select the right strength hook for the size of your picture.

The best thing? You can continually reinvent your display by replacing the pictures and reorganising the frames. This gives you a brand new artwork in your house every season!

Not confident in hanging pictures safely and securely? Consider calling your local handyman for those tricky jobs around the house.