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Posted on 02/06/2017

Gardening jobs for June

Gardening jobs for June

Winter may not sound like the best time to get out in the garden. But when you think about it, you won’t have to contend with scorching hot sunshine and flies – so why not get out there and get things done on those days the rain isn’t falling?

Here’s our list of jobs you should aim to complete in the garden during June:

  • Firstly and most importantly, make sure your reticulation is turned off – the winter sprinkler ban begins on June 1 and runs until August 31.
  • June is a great time to plant perennials and bulbs for flowering in summer. You can also plant bare-rooted roses.
  • Lillypilly trees should be given a trim to keep them tidy over the winter months.
  • If you have camellias but the buds aren’t opening, it may be in the wrong position. Move them to a more sheltered spot.
  • Vegetables that are ideal for planting in June include cabbage, celery, asparagus, lettuce, onions, peas, spinach and broad beans.
  • Plant asparagus crowns in the bottom of a trench about 20cm deep. As the shoots start to grow, fill the trench with organically rich soil with some lime added.
  • Harvest spring onions and leeks as you need them, as they do not store well.
  • Peas should be picked daily to encourage continual growth. You will know they are ready to pick when the pods look plump.
  • If you are growing silver beet, pull off the outside leaves as needed. This will help prolong the harvest period.
  • Collect any diseased foliage from fruit and vegetables and discard of it in the bin to reduce its spread.
  • If you are planting young seedlings, use a liquid fertilizer rather than blood and bone to give them a boost.
  • Winter is a great time to check all of those chemicals in the garden shed, throwing out any that are past their use-by date or damaged in any way.
  • Don’t fertilize your lawn during winter as the roots will not take up nutrients. Wait until spring instead.