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Posted on 08/02/2017

Simple ways to save water around the home

Simple ways to save water around the home

With the cost of water increasingly on the rise and the changing climate affecting our water levels, it is becoming more and more important to do everything we can at home to conserve this precious resource.

Here are some simple ways that you can help by reducing your water usage at home:

  • Place a bucket in the corner of your shower to catch water that would otherwise just go straight down the drain as you are waiting for the water to heat up. You can then use this water in the garden instead of watering with a sprinkler or hose.
  • Did you know that 22% of our total household usage of water comes from showering? It makes perfect sense then to reduce the time you spend in the shower. The Water Corporation recommends showering for no longer than 4 minutes at a time.
  • Fix any leaking taps around the house, as well as any leaking or trickling toilets.
  • If you have a dual flush toilet, use the half flush where possible.
  • Only run a cycle in the dishwasher and washing machine when they are full.
  • Reduce your washing by one load a week to save almost 2600 litres of water a year. And if your washing machine has it, ensure you use water saving mode.
  • We may have two rostered days per week for watering, but it is recommended to water on only one of those days per week. Watering before 9am is best as it allows the water to soak through to the roots and be available to your plants during the heat of the day.
  • If you have a pool, ensure you use a pool cover to reduce the rate of evaporation and in turn, the amount of water you need to add to your pool.
  • Install a rain sensor on your reticulation system so that it does not run after rain.
  • Instead of hand-washing dishes and letting that precious water run down the sink, fill the sink before you wash.
  • Use your water meter to check for hidden water leaks. Read the meter before and after a two-hour period when no water is being used. If the meter does not read exactly the same, there is a leak.
  • Turn the tap off when you brush your teeth. This will help you save 6 litres of water per minute.
  • Keep a bottle of water in the fridge for drinking instead of running the tap until the water is cool.
  • Use mulch or compost in the garden to increase water absorption and the moisture content of your soil.