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Posted on 02/11/2016

Tips to control pests this spring

Tips to control pests this spring

With the cold, wet weather drawing to a close and regular sunshine starting to make an appearance, it’s a great time of year to get out and about and enjoy the sun’s rays. But just as we enjoy the warmer weather, so too do pests such as ants, flies, cockroaches and mosquitoes. Soon enough, your backyard and possibly house will be overrun with pesky invaders – unless you start to take action now.

Here are some tips on how to hopefully deter pests from making your home their home as well.


  • Cockroaches, flies and ants are attracted to food, so make sure that your rubbish bins are not left overflowing and are firmly closed at all times.
  • Keep tall trees trimmed back away from the house. Overhanging trees provide a perfect opportunity for rats, mice and possums to make their way into your roof or eaves.
  • Weed your garden on a regular basis. Weeds provide a haven for ants and the like, so removing them will hopefully encourage them to move on to “greener” pastures.
  • Water attracts insects, so make sure you don’t have any dripping taps or leaking pipes outside. Pests will also be attracted to your pet’s food and water bowls, so try and keep these lifted slightly off the ground if possible.
  • Seal any holes, gaps or cracks around the exterior of your home. Even the smallest gap provides cockroaches and ants the perfect entry point into your home.
  • Make sure exterior doorways do not have a gap at the bottom. Rats and mice can squeeze through gaps the size of a 20c piece!
  • Regularly mow your lawns. Insects love tall grass, so keeping it short and removing any fallen leaves or other debris will help keep them away.
  • Mulch can attract pests to your yard. If you choose to use mulch, use it sparingly and choose one made out of insect-repelling bark, such as cedar.


  • Use plastic storage boxes instead of cardboard. Rats and mice love cardboard and can easily burrow through to make themselves a nest.
  • Use plastic air-tight containers to store food in your pantry. Don’t leave food in half-empty packets even if you think they are tightly sealed, as insects will find a way in. Don’t leave food lying around the house, including pet food.
  • Clean up any spillages of food and water immediately. Leaving spills will only encourage ants and cockroaches, especially if they are sugary. On that note, don’t leave dirty dishes in the sink overnight either.
  • Many insects do not like peppermint, so you can deter them by sprinkling a few drops of peppermint essential oil along doorways and window frames. Citrus oils, cinnamon and cayenne pepper also works well for this purpose.

For more information or advice, contact your local pest control specialist.